Friday, August 28, 2009

How to mess up a perfect realignment.

This popped in my head while writing the MLB scheduling post. The NFL awhile back realigned their league and did a great job, except one glaring problem. The AFC South, it appears to be a collection of new and moved teams, kind of a catch all of teams left over from other AFC divisions. I understand that a bit. Really though is Indianapolis south, and ever going to have rivals with teams in Texas and Florida? Probably not. Its one of the most blah divisions in the league for rivalries.

Why wasn't Miami put in the South with Jacksonville. Baltimore moved to the East where the Colts were because they once were in Baltimore. Then have Indianapolis moved to the North with two Ohio teams near by. It might seem silly since everyone has gotten used to the league as it is now and can't see the rivalries as they might have turned out. If you think about the last 7 years though, you could see some of the possible rivalries. The Ravens and Patriots won the two Super Bowls before the realignment. The Colts and Steelers have both won them in recent years. Jacksonville and Miami would instantly become rivals due to being in the same state.

Yes I know I'm basing this on where the teams are located, and that you're going to say Dallas is in the NFC East! Dallas though has a long history with that division, and I bet you'll have trouble naming the team that was removed from that division when they did the realignment.

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